Boxing Ring?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Started week 2 of training today, which on the plan is actually week 15, since it counts down to the race.  It's also the beginning of a holiday week, with many people looking forward to a day of football and food.  And hopefully, also looking forward to identifying those people or things in their lives for which they can give thanks.  I am blessed this week with the company of my daughter, Christa, her partner Kera and my grandson Spencer.  I think trying to keep up with a 3 year old may qualify for one of my aerobic cross training workouts...

Today almost didn't really feel like a training day, since it was 30 minutes of strength training and 30 minutes of boxing.  I went 10 rounds today.  The split on my index knuckle did not reopen today.  However, I did apparently have two blisters that formed and broke on my right hand.  It will be interesting to see how those have healed come Wednesday when it is time to hit the bag again.  I just realized that one of the blisters is from a ring I wear on my right ring finger.  You are probably wondering what kind of an idiot I am to wear a ring when boxing.  And I'm right with you.

It's a ring I got shortly after Diane and I got married back in 1995.  We both had one.  It's a silver ring with a hebrew inscription:  "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."  The rings were intended as an additional reminder of the joy that is intended in marriage and our mutual devotion.  I never take mine off, not for sentimental reasons, but for the more practical reason that it is very difficult to take off.  So for example, when I do my strength training, I always take off my wedding ring, but never the silver ring on my right hand.  It's just too hard to take off.  I'm thinking now that I will need to make a point of taking it off before boxing.

I'm not sure if tomorrow's track workout will be out on a track or on the treadmill once again.  I would like to be on the track but today was cold and quite windy - it would not have been even remotely appealing to have been out on a track today.  We'll see how it looks tomorrow.  The way I have the week scheduled, I should be doing a tempo run on Thanksgiving.  That could actually work out well.  It will develop a good appetite and I won't feel quite as guilty as I load up my plate.

I really appreciate Christa and Kera sharing Spencer with us this Thanksgiving.  Having had 5 children (in two bunches), I know it is not easy to lug your children around to other people's houses for the holidays.  It also makes it difficult for you establish traditions of your own.  Christa is expecting number 2, due in May.  Don't know if there will be another boy or if there will be a girl.  In either case, I'll be ecstatic.  Spencer came out to watch me box a bit, then when I finished he came out and 'hit' the bag.  Hitting mostly consisted of pushing it around, but we both laughed and had fun.

It's time for a quick shower, then back down to the family gathering.  Spencer is still going non-stop.  I can hear him playing with Hannah (my 12 year old daughter).  Christa and Kera are grabbing a well deserved nap - nothing quite as tiring as traveling with a 3 year old energizer bunny.


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